notifyeventoAttending an Event? Download Eventostrings!

Planning App for Guests App for Organizers Ideas Pricing

The Event Planning tool to keep the entire event managed during the most memorable times!

See Eventostrings in action





Plan an event like never before


We know planning a event is burdensome.
That’s why we give you the tools to get organized, communicate & plan every aspect of your special day.

Dashboard. Create your event with just a few clicks & manage your event activities & planning progress on an easy-to-read dashboard

Guest Management. With easy onboarding, Manage guest lists, groups, RSVP & many more in an easy-to-use feature

Event Web page & App. Quickly publish your event to your guests via event webpage & app with customzed look & feel!

Teams & Tasks. From pickups/drops to guest complaints & requests, every thing is sorted for your team with complete reportings.

Logistics. This one is always a pain to every event manager! But things are simpler & quicker with Eventostrings!

Checklist. We know in that chaos, we forget things! We added a checklist so that you are always ready for everything!

One app, Your guests would love to engage in!

The perfect app for your event party!

Event Details. A complete bunch of event details, schedules with google map location links, timings, Key person details, stories, agenda and many more.. Everything is organized for your guests for a wow experience!

Alerts and Updates. Everything your guests do, we keep everyone updated about things happening in here! An engaged guest is a happy guest!

Images and Videos. An event is for a moment, but moments are forever! And with images and videos sharing, those moments spreads smiles to your guests!
A Private Social Zone for Your Event Guests!

Live Polls. How about creating some fun in the audience by asking questions? Yes! Live polls brings some more fun in!

RSVP. Not just fun, your guests travel and stay details are also completely managed, with multiple RSVPs for managing multiple member's details!

Guest chat. Found an old friend? or start making new ones! A simple hi in an event makes it more fun with guest chat! Completely secure!


Onboard your complete team of organizers into the event!


Teams. Onboard your teams into different departments and roles
and set permissions making your team more orgnized and efficient

Eg.:Logistics Manager, Managing every activity for your logistics department

Tasks. Plan and allocate your tasks in advance
or allocate them on the go with crisp reportings in your hands!

Eg.: Driver A, New Task: Pickup Guest X from airport along with 4 members, scheduled arrival tomorrow at 06:00 AM

Guest Management. Not just guest list, but also their travels and pickups/drops with their stays, everything is managed from a single app!
Also send quick alerts and updates to guests seamlessly!

Event Update, “Reception is about to start in the banquet, requesting you to gather around!”

What are you waiting for?

Start planning your event with the most innovative event planning tool